To use the IDK, you may consult the following documents:
Reference manual for the IAF. It tells which constructs are actually understood by the code generator. It has not been updated for a time, but it still serves as guideline.
General information about the modeling language and the process, spanish only. It is my PhD. It introduces the modeling language and proposes an integration of the INGENIAS methodology with the Rational Unified Process. There is a complete example, though the applied modeling language may differ from what INGENIAS is today.
Metamodel representation using SVG and HTML. It is not updated to the last version, but it is close enough.
Papers about INGENIAS. Please, check my references in Google Scholar, Microsoft Research, or my profile in Research Gate. The first paper that introduced the meta-model for building MAS was “Meta-models for building multi-agent systems in the SAC-2002”. The first mention of INGENIAS was made the next year in the CEEMAS’03.